food drive

Charities and causes we support


The Society for Cultivating Rugby Union Mastery (d.b.a. SCRUM) is a tax-exempt, 501(c) (3) public charity whose mission is to foster national and international rugby competition.

The Lakefront 7s rugby festival is organized by SCRUM and the Milwaukee Barbarians. All proceeds benefit SCRUM and other charities (below) in pursuit of SCRUM’s mission.

You may make a tax-exempt donation here.

society for cultivating rugby union mastery

Wisconsin Tag Rugby

Tag rugby is a co-ed, non-contact version of rugby that makes a great introduction to the sport for primary school students.

Wisconsin Tag Rugby is the governing body for tag rugby in the state. We support them by offering a large tag rugby division at the Lakefront 7s at no cost to the players or their guardians beyond the administrative fees required by Wisconsin Tag Rugby.

The Milwaukee Barbarians

The Milwaukee Barbarians Athletic Club (formerly the Milwaukee Westside Harlequins) is one of the Men’s rugby clubs in the area. They are the primary organizers of the Lakefront 7s. Proceeds from the event are used in part to support one of the the long-term goals of the Barbarians: the construction of a dedicated rugby facility in the greater Milwaukee area.

The Milwaukee Scylla

Scylla Rugby is the only women’s team in the greater Milwaukee area. They have been attending and supporting the Lakefront 7s for decades.

The event supports the Scylla by promoting one of their primary fundraisers, the official Lakefront 7s afterparty.

Hunger Task Force

The Hunger Task Force works to prevent hunger and malnutrition by providing food to people in need today and by promoting social policies to achieve a hunger free community tomorrow.

The Lakefront 7s rugby festival supports Hunger Task Force by holding a food drive every summer during the festival. You can follow the status of our food drive here.

hunger task force